Vehicle Donations
When you donate a vehicle to benefit KCBX, you are turning your car into financial support for the community programming you trust and depend on. Donate your vehicle today and the proceeds will support your favorite programs like NPR's Morning Edition and All Things Considered , as well as locally produced programs like Morning Cup, Issues and Ideas, and local news updates. Your gift makes a difference!
In addition to supporting the programs you love, your gift will make you a member of KCBX. Your vehicle is towed free of charge, and the donation is eligible for a tax deduction. Donating a car is fast, easy, and secure. We accept any vehicle, running or not, including cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, and more. We work with our car donation partners to ensure that your donation delivers the highest possible revenue to KCBX and that your experience is convenient and efficient.
If you have any questions about the vehicle donation process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our vehicle experts at (855) 277-2346 .
Some of the recent vehicle donated to support KCBX.

"I love KCBX so much I donated a car with superpowers to it. This remarkable 2012 Chevy Malibu - plain white, 4-doors - had truly extraordinary qualities.So you see, even though this car helped me improve myself beyond what I ever could have imagined, I donated it to KCBX. That’s how much I love the station!"
- One, a cloaking device. This quality increased my daily step count no end while I wandered parking lots trying to distinguish it from all the other plain white compact cars of a ‘certain age.’
- Its second extraordinary quality? It helped me explore patience and deepen my inner calm while I waited in it for over an hour by the side of a country lane on a warm summer day for a tow truck. The property manager only once bellowing at me for being on “private property.”
- Its last superpower? This one was the best. This remarkable vehicle gave me an impromptu weekend vacation in a rural Oregon town I had in the past been only too happy to drive through. The town's mechanics didn’t work weekends. What a lovely time I had building my skills in self-entertainment and seeing all those shows on the hotel room TV I would never have otherwise watched. Bonus!
~Lindsay Wilcox
Burns, OR
We decided to donate our very used and loved vehicle to KCBX... year 2000 and 250,000+ miles! This was an easy donation to make - my radio was tuned to 90.1. I love driving and was often in my car for work and errands, all the while listening to music, interviews, news... keeping me company and well informed. Seemed to make sense to me to donate my car to KBCX. ~Kate Burridge
We’ve been listeners for over 40 years and KCBX has long been an integral part of our lives. Meals would not be prepared without listening to NPR during the fixing. It’s basically the only radio station we tune into. So, it was an easy decision once we realized KCBX could benefit from a car donation. Thank you for being there. ~Cliff and Lois Elliott
"When it came time to retire our beloved Honda Hybrid we knew KCBX would benefit from the sale. We listen to many programs and are very grateful for public radio. They made the process of donation very easy. We said goodbye to our beloved car which had served us since 2003 and they picked it up and sent us a receipt so we could declare the donation on our taxes. Thanks you KCBX for all that you do." ~Karen Burish Wyke and Chuck Wyke
"I’d heard that NPR could turn donated cars into great programming and I wanted my gift to help our local Public Radio affiliate, KCBX. We need NPR stations now more than ever to provide us comprehensive, unbiased news. I'm glad my Lexus helped in supporting the station I love & trust. " ~Angel Russell