Dolphin Questat Hilton Waikoloa Village on Hawaii’s Kohala Coast serves as a memorable educational experience for resort guests. But Dolphin Quest’s unsung program is educational field trips for Hawaii’s school children.
Kids experience hands-on lessons in animal care, marine biology, conservation, and an exhilarating “hand-to-fin” dolphin encounter, says Jackie Milligan, Education Specialist at Dolphin Quest. She talks with Tom Wilmer about the invaluable life lessons the bottlenose dolphins teach the kids.">
You are invited to subscribe to the Lowell Thomas Award-winning podcast travel show, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast Directory, Apple Podcast, the NPR One App & Twitter: TomCWilmer. Instagram: Thomas.Wilmer. Underwriting support provided by The Society of St. Vincent de Paul.