San Luis Obispo residents can learn more about a proposed garbage rate hike at an informational session Wednesday.
Garbage bills in many Central Coast communities could soon be going up. The rate increases proposed by local trash collection agencies and waste districts are attributed to rising costs for labor, fuel, and landfill use.
Goleta residents could see their rate fees for garbage collection increase by 4% as soon as this summer.The Goleta City Council voted unanimously April 6…
While a litter problem is not new to Pismo Beach, city officials said the pandemic has exacerbated the situation, and now they are seeking new…
Despite the pandemic, tourists are flocking to Central Coast beaches to escape the hot inland weather. But the increase of people is also leading to an…
The future of garbage disposal - and energy production - was on display Tuesday morning at the San Luis Garbage Company facility on San Luis Obispo’s Old…
A new food recycling program is starting Monday here on the Central Coast. You’ll be able to put food directly into the green yard waste bins if you have…
The gift-giving, party-throwing and house-decorating associated with the Christmas holiday season generates a lot of trash and recyclable materials each…