Dave Bateman, Kona coffee industry expert shares the backstory about fake Kona coffee sold around the world and how to discern fake from authentic Kona coffee.
Bateman, owner of Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farms on the Island of Hawaii explains how the entire annual Kona coffee harvest on the Island of Hawaii averages three million pounds of green beans.
Bateman says worldwide more than 35 million pounds of coffee is sold annually around the world fraudulently labeled as Kona Coffee.

Come along and join correspondent Tom Wilmer for a conversation with Bateman at his Heavenly Hawaiian Kona Coffee Farm to discover the scoop about Hawaii’s exotic Kona Coffee—and how to discern whether that bag of coffee on your grocery store shelf is fake or authentic.
Heavenly Hawaiian’s coffee plantation and tasting room is situated high on a mountainside above Kailua-Kona on the island of Hawaii.
Bateman farms estate-grown beans, operates the popular Konalani Coffee Bar and an enticing vacation rental.
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