Correspondent Tom Wilmer visits with Gloria Calderón, Director of the Museo de los Niños in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Ms. Calderón talks about the engaging hands-on children’s museum, her passion for the country, and the work-in-progress to create an adjunct museum showcasing the former prison’s story.

The Children’s Museum opened in 1994 in a long abandoned prison with a history rivaling the world’s worst hell holes of incarceration.

The idea to repurpose the prison as a place of light for children was conceived and shepherded by the former first Lady of the Republic of Costa Rica, Mrs. Gloria Bejarano de Calderón, Gloria’s mother.

Museo de los Niños, San Jose, Costa Rica Facebook page
This show was first broadcast in 2016 and is reposted as a Best-of-the-Best travel show celebrating 32 years producing travel shows for Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer airing over NPR affiliate KCBX.
Financial support for Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer is provided by Nashville's Big Back Yard economic initiative focused on rural communities in the southwest quarter of Tennessee and the Shoals Region of Northern Alabama.
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