City officials in Morro Bay say they are working to notify homeless residents regarding a creek cleanup planned for next month.
This weekend two children were stuck with a hypodermic needle in the area. Parents told the City of Morro Bay Saturday the two 8-year-olds were treated at a local hospital. Testing of the needle didn't return any result, but the children will be re-tested over the next six months.
The creek area in which the children were stuck is owned by Dynergy, Inc. and is adjacent to the now-defunct power plant. The energy company and City have been planning a major clean up of Little Morro Creek for safety and for the possibility of heavy rains this winter.

Sam Taylor is the Deputy City Manager and said they need to prepare populations who currently make this creek area their home.
"We are aware there are many transient camps in the area and are working to clean that up, both for public safety, overall community safety, as well as the safety of the transients," said Taylor. "We want to make it really clear we recognize that homelessness is not a crime and this is a sensitive issue and a sensitive area."
Taylor says the city and Dynergy are participating both financially and in efforts. The cleanup will include both private and public areas.