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KCBX News aims to provide our audience with the latest local and regional information and updates on the coronavirus and COVID-19. We will update this post as new information becomes available.Click on the link in the county name to find important public health resources in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Monterey counties.Click HERE to view a COVID-19 case map of San Luis Obispo County.CLICK HERE TO SEE A TIMELINE ARCHIVE OF EARLIER CORONAVIRUS-RELATED INFORMATION.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom visits Cuesta College vaccination site

Rachel Showalter/KCBX
Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks at Cuesta Colllege vaccination site.

Gov. Gavin Newsom visited a COVID-19 vaccination site at Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo March 2 to speak about California’s vaccine efforts.

“There’s not just light at the end of the tunnel,” Newsom said at a news conference. “There’s bright light at the end of this tunnel.”

Newsom said California has administered more than 9.3 million doses and no other state has come close to administering more doses of vaccine than the state of California.

“You’re doing it at remarkable speed and efficiency,” Newsom said of San Luis Obispo County's efforts. “The fact that you’re getting well north of 90% of your shots into people’s arms, out of the freezers in a very short period of time is testament to the collective leadership that is assembled here today.”

Cuesta College is one of three COVID-19 vaccination sites in the county. The other sites are located at Arroyo Grande High School and Paso Robles Event Center.

Free coronavirus testing is available throughout San Luis Obispo County. To make an appointment online, visit emergencySLO.org/testing or register by phone at 888-634-1123.

Rachel Showalter first joined KCBX as an intern from Cal Poly in 2017. During her time in college, she anchored and reported for Mustang News at Cal Poly's radio station, KCPR. After graduating, she took her first job as a Producer at KSBY-TV. She returned to the KCBX team in October 2020, reporting daily for KCBX News until she moved to the Pacific Northwest in July of 2022. Rachel spends her off-days climbing rocks, cooking artichokes and fighting crosswords with friends.
Lauren Walike joined KCBX as its news manager in February 2021. In addition to her KCBX work, Lauren also serves as news director for KCPR-FM, Cal Poly’s student-run radio station, and digital director of Mustang Media Group, Cal Poly’s student-run news organization. She will graduate from Cal Poly’s Honors Program in June 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in journalism with minors in Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Arts, Society and Technology.
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