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"Sacred Waters" explores bid for new Central Coast marine sanctuary

https://vimeo.com/216942495">Sacred Waters from https://vimeo.com/user45920893">Courtney Gerard on Vimeo.

On the April 8, 2019 episode of Issues & Ideas, we heard the audio to a recent documentary entitled “Sacred Waters.” Created by filmmaker Courtney Gerard, “Sacred Waters” features the stakeholders in a proposal to designate a new marine sanctuary off the Central Coast. The Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary proposal is spearheaded by the Northern Chumash Tribal Council and supported by many, opposed by many others. In the film, Gerard explores the sanctuary's nomination. 

We’re airing the film’s audio in two parts: the first half on April 8, and the second half on April 22. You can also watch Gerard's complete, 24-plus-minute documentary above. 

Filmmaker Courtney Gerard is currently living Bozeman, Montana and managing Seacat Creative, an outdoor creative development firm. She produced "Sacred Waters" as her master’s project while pursuing a degree in environmental and natural resources journalism at the University of Montana. She told KCBX recently that when she's not taking photos and shooting videos, she's enjoying her new life in the mountains and exploring everything the big sky has to offer. You can find her current work at www.courtneygerardphotography.com.

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