San Luis Obispo residents ranked affordable rental housing as the top priority in a new County Homeless Services report. The 2025 Community Development Needs Assessment report surveyed over 900 SLO County residents to identify the community’s most pressing needs.
This year’s preliminary Point-in-Time Count data shows a nearly 20% drop in the overall homeless population from 2022.
In the second part of her series, "Breaking the Cycle," KCBX’s Amanda Wernik explores how complex PTSD, or C-PTSD, and homelessness can create a reinforcing cycle that makes it harder for people to get help.
In the first part of her series "Breaking the Cycle," KCBX's Amanda Wernik explains what the mental disorder PTSD is and how it can lead to a cycle of homelessness.
Every two years community volunteers count the number of homeless people in San Luis Obispo County. The 2024 Point-in-Time Count took place this week.
Point-in-Time counts provide a snapshot of homelessness in the region. Volunteers are needed in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties. There's only a few days left to sign-up for volunteer training.
Santa Barbara County conducted their yearly Point-in-Time Count to get a snapshot of people experiencing homelessness, and just released preliminary numbers.
The release of preliminary data from Santa Barbara County’s Point-in-Time Count of people experiencing homelessness in the county has renewed focus on issues like housing and mental health there.
The release of preliminary data from Santa Barbara County’s Point-in-Time Count of people experiencing homelessness in the county has renewed focus on issues like housing and mental health there.
The Point-in-Time Count total in Santa Barbara County is 3.4% higher than in 2020.