A Central Coast community has introduced a new kind of vending machine targeted in part at UC Santa Barbara students. Instead of candy and chips, this machine is filled with fentanyl test strips, emergency contraceptives, rapid HIV tests, and the anti-overdose drug Narcan.
New safety requirements could be coming to property owners along the Isla Vista Bluffs. The proposed regulations are in response to the many student renters who have fallen off the cliffs and suffered death or injury.
It's the 10th anniversary of the mass shooting in Isla Vista where gunman Elliot Rodger killed six people, injured 14 others and later killed himself. In a recent Mother Jones article titled, “Lessons From a Mass Shooter’s Mother,” reporter Mark Follman interviewed Chin Rodger, whose son perpetrated the 2014 attacks. KCBX’s Alyssa Toledo spoke with Follman to hear more about his reporting.
To prepare for an unsanctioned annual party near UC Santa Barbara, volunteers distributed Narcan, a nasal spray that can prevent overdose deaths. The party called Deltopia is expected to happen in Isla Vista this weekend.
Over the years, several young people have lost their lives falling from the bluffs in Isla Vista near UC Santa Barbara. In response, Santa Barbara County Supervisor Laura Capps has introduced a plan to make the bluffs safer.
The Santa Barbara County Fire Department declared a multi-casualty incident, or MCI, over the weekend due to a number of medical emergencies associated with the heavy crowds in Isla Vista.
The Isla Vista Community Services District announced a timeline for an equity-based, climate-forward future.
Central Coast Democratic Congressman Salud Carbajal announced new gun safety legislation that provides federal grants and resources to states that follow…
In keeping with California’s goal towards carbon neutrality, the state is giving Isla Vista money to pay for new, clean transportation in low-income…
The US Geological Survey sent out an alert Wednesday afternoon that a 6.8-magnitude earthquake had struck off the coast near Isla Vista--except the…