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Avila Ranch project the focus of June planning hearings

City of San Luis Obispo/Avila Ranch Development Project Final EIR
A screenshot of the Avila Ranch Land Use Plan, showing the project's planned housing density.

Avila Ranch is a proposed new neighborhood in south San Luis Obispo, a 150-acre project site - now agricultural fields - cornered by Vachell Lane and Buckley Road. It’s a development that’s been in the works for a few years, and this week city planning staff announced the completion of the project’s final environmental documents. 

During the last week in June, the city’s planning commission will hold public hearings two days in a row considering this project, taking public comment and making a recommendation in favor or against the development to the city council.

The project’s developers are proposing to build 720 residential units on that 150 acres. They estimate that eventually, Avila Ranch will be home to 1,649 people.

According to the Avila Ranch Final Environmental Impact Report, the housing would be a mix of traditional single-family homes, townhomes, condos and high-density apartments, all aimed at different income levels. A large chunk of the homes would be considered medium density, single family homes.

The plan also calls for a town center with commercial space to provide services to residents; 71 acres of the planned development are slated as parkland or open space.

The Avila Ranch planning commission meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, June 28th and Thursday, June 29. Both meetings start at 6 p.m. at San Luis Obispo City Hall.