Carl Meier, founder of Black Abbey Brewing Company visited with correspondent Tom Wilmer back in 2016. The legendary Nashville brewery was founded in 2008 and remains today as a most popular Tennessee-based brewery. This show is re-shared as a Best-of-the-Best Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer podcast.
Of course the brewery has evolved and expanded its lexicon since Wilmer met with Meier, but the back-story of the brewery’s roots and company philosophy remains timeless.
Meier and his associates named the brewery in honor of Martin Luther and his wife Katherine. Meier explained, “After years on the run, Luther returned to The Black Cloister in 1525 and married Katherine von Bora, a former nun who had earned her brewing license before leaving her convent.
“As a wedding gift, Katherine and Martin received The Black Cloister, which they made their personal residence, “Lutherhaus.” Katherine made what became known as the best beer in Wittenberg.
“Katherine crafted ales that today we would call Belgian-style, utilizing local ingredients and traditional techniques. It is this tradition that Black Abbey Brewing emulates to this day.”
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