A few months before retired Democrat State Representative, Kika de la Garza’s death in 2017, correspondent Tom Wilmer met with de la Garza and his wife, Lucille, at their McAllen, Texas home.
De la Garza shared highlights of his 32-year career (1965-1997) as a congressman from Texas.
De la Garza and his wife, Lucille, recall how the times were so different that they typically socialized with more republicans then fellow Democrats.
De la Garza talks about how his friendships with Republicans created opportunities to work together on legislative proposals—something that was fast fading away by the end of his term in the House.
Next up is a visit with retired Republican Senator Ben Knighthorse Campbell who represented Colorado from 1993 to 1997.
In the conversation with Wilmer at a Native American conference in Arizona back in 2013, Knighthorse Campbell concurred with De la Garza’s regrets about the demise of cross aisle legislative partnerships that propelled legislative proposals.
This show is reposted as a Best-of-the-Best show from Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer podcast archives.
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