Executive Chef, Ross Burtwell has been busy creating culinary offerings that pay homage to classic Texas dishes with a unique twist at his Fredericksburg, Texas Cabernet Grill.
A lobster-topped rib eye steak with green chili gravy is a most memorable Cabernet Grill offering. While a couple of Burtwell’s ever popular desert offerings include a honey-lavender peach crisp, and a killer chicken-fried pecan pie—pared with a scoop of Jack Daniel’s ice cream, of course.
Burtwell melds his distinctive cuisine with an incredible array of Texas wines—the largest Texas wine list in America—and by default—the world!
People come for the fine cuisine but many spend a romantic night, or the weekend, in one of Burtwell’s classic, historic Cotton Gin Village log cabins.

Come along and join the conversation with correspondent Tom Wilmer for a chat with Burtwell at the legendary Cabernet Grill in historic Fredericksburg, Texas.

By the way, in his spare time Burtwell managed to pen a popular cookbook, Texas Hill Country Cuisine: Flavors from the Cabernet Grill Texas Wine Country Restaurant.
The Intro and Outro underbed music was performed by renowned Hill Country musician John Arthur Martinez, based in the historic town of Marble Falls.

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