Correspondent Tom Wilmer visits with executive chef Gage Dawiedczyk at 1919 Kitchen & Tap about his 4-course dinner, November 3rd, that included a custom Leinenkugel's beer pairing with each dish.

Next up is a fascinating conversation with Alex Falish, co-founder of the family run Noble Roots Brewing, where Alex and his dad have absolutely no fear about crafting crazy-cool seasonal brews.

And then it’s off to Paradise North Distillery situated lakefront on Green Bay where owner and artisan Tom Feld shares his passion for making an array of high-end spirits including whiskey, rum and vodka.

Funding for Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer is provided by the Foundation at Hearst Castle—Conserving the past to inspire future generations of dreamers and preserving the legacy of Julia Morgan. Experience authentically curated historical events that recreate what it was like to be a guest of William Randolph Hearst.

You are invited to subscribe to the six time Lowell Thomas Award-winning travel podcast, Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer, featured on the NPR Podcast Directory, Apple Podcast, the NPR One App and more than twenty other podcast hosting sites including iHeartRadio