Join correspondent Tom Wilmer in Little Rock, Arkansas for an interview with Robin White, National Park Service Superintendent at Central High School National Historic Site, and Courtney Bradford, professor of black history and curator at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center.

White and Bradford challenge listeners to examine racial inequality through the insightful, and at times highly touching, experiences of two women who are championing new ways to approach the age-old problem of racism.
Together they discuss the everyday-life problems faced by those of color, dissect the dark roots of intergenerational racism still growing today, detail effective programs -- from local to international levels -- that help unite all people under the “human race” banner, and acknowledge the power of children’s fresh-eyed perspectives to make lasting change a reality.
They posit that meaningful dialogue between allies to change the status quo--accomplished not just by seeing others for who they are, without pre-judging, but by developing soul-to-soul affirmations capable of melting away hate.
White and Bradford poignantly affirm the power of every “beautiful” life coming together, as humanity’s choir, to celebrate each other and promote peace.

By Robin White
Tyranny romanticized and massacres normalized. Our ancestors terrorized and yet; we are expected to apologize
For being the wrong color at the wrong time. Told little White Lies from old White Guys; sitting Skyscraper high Legislating subjugation.
Democracy dismantled making racism your heritage. Legally stripping us naked as shame is turned to fame
Our Motherland drum speaks for the unheard muffled voices. The nonessential under-classed, the walking contraband
A flame inside the ice born out of your entitled arrogance.
The tumultuous marriage of hate and entitlement breeds oppression
The red dark stains on the tree trunk
Takes us to a place without sanctuary; your body crumbled and burned
Your soul wrenching scream
Fell on crazed ears.
As the rope grew tighter stealing your earthly years
Not one face spoke of shame with wild eyes and menacing sneers. A joyful noise sounded; during their life taking reign
Our hearts are heavy; can’t hold the sight
As your face rapidly swell on this abhorrent lonely night
It is 2021 and the stories must be told
As the new age lynching becomes the fatal chokeholds. Countless senseless deaths and loss of hope. Our people hung by “stand your ground laws, juries and multiple invisible ropes
Still, we find our liberation in concerted generosity in the same proximity
Smuggling love in the land of the free continued fighting for democracy
Intentionally living beyond prohibition
Our children generationally are Beautifully Broken into massive gems and Humanitarian activist.
We see you as our children continue to rise in academics, leadership, faith activism, environmental and social justice
We stand in our convictions in Song and dance to celebrate the Beautifully Broken “our ancestors”.
Gospel underbed music was performed by St. Mark Baptist Church Choir in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Funding for Journeys of Discovery provided by Nashville's Big Back Yard economic initiative focused on rural communities in the southwest quarter of Tennessee and the Shoals Region of Northern Alabama.
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