Pledge Your Support
You listen. You learn. You enable.
There are many ways of becoming an active member at KCBX.
The quickest and easiest way is by making an online gift by clicking the DONATE button above.
You can make a tax-wise gift of appreciated stock or required minimum distributions from your retirement account. More information.
You can include KCBX in your Estate Planning. It could be as simple as naming KCBX as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or retirement account. Or you can name KCBX in your living trust or will.
You can volunteer your time. KCBX is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and Community Advisory Council. Community volunteers host a wide variety of local shows. Volunteers take phone pledges during our pledge drives and are essential to the Live Oak Music Festival, KCBX's major annual fundraising event. CLICK HERE TO VIEW CURRENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.
You can talk about any of these giving options by calling KCBX Development Director Chris McBride at the offices M-F, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 805-549-8855.
We want to hear your voice.
Consider recording a testimonial for us. Click here for information.

Charity Navigator has awarded KCBX a 4-star rating two years in a row for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency—an achievement reached by only 32% of nonprofits.
You can find our rating on Charity Navigator here.