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Sal Espana

Host of Beyond the Fringe and Classical Showcase

Sal’s musical tastes became twisted early by pre-teen exposure to Frank Zappa and Harry Partch. After studying Electronic Music in college, Sal founded the experimental ensemble National Debt and composed music for the Cal Poly dance company Orchesis and the Central Coast Shakespeare Festival.

Joining Jon Iverson as co-host for The Last Jazz Show in 2004, Sal eventually became solo host and updated the title to Beyond The Fringe. Then in 2023 he took the reins of Classical Showcase, which features classical music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Sal spends his non-musically-related hours writing historically-based comedy sketches and performing Stand Up. He is fond of hyphens.

You can reach Sal at beyondthefringe@kcbx.org.