Monica Fiscalini
Substitute Music HostEvery once in awhile, Monica Fiscalini is in the right place at the right time. She witnessed Elvis Presley’s funeral procession in Memphis. She sat in the audience the night the Everly Brothers broke up at Knott’s Berry Farm. She ate barbecue with Jimmie Dale Gilmore in Driftwood, Texas. And if you're in the right place at the right time, every once in a while you can hear her subbing on KCBX.
Monica's start at KCBX was in 2013 as co-host with Marisa Waddell on The Road Home (Thursday nights from 6:30-8:00). Then in 2016 she founded our Americana show Jukebox Revival, which you can now hear hosted by Ryan Orr every Tuesday night from 6:30-8:00. If Monica could only keep one hunk of her music collection it would be country, roots rock, and what has come to be called Americana. Though she never went on air at Cal Poly’s KCPR, she lent plenty of her dad’s records for “The Burnt Dog Rodeo.” She is happy to have found her voice at KCBX.
You can reach Monica at monica@kcbx.org.