An updated Omicron booster shot is now available for immunocompromised people and people over 65 years old. This comes after the Biden Administration officially ended the COVID-19 pandemic as a national state of emergency earlier this month.
The updated booster shot is bivalent, meaning it protects against multiple strains of COVID rather than previous, “monovalent” shots. It’s more effective against recent strains of the virus like Omicron.

County Health Officer Rick Rosen said even though the National State of Emergency has come to an end, the County is still seeing community members affected by the COVID-19 virus.
“Death persists and every week we're hearing about more deaths. In particular it's affecting folks, I would say 60 years and up, and especially those individuals who live in congregate settings like a long-term care facility,” Rosen said.
Last month, about seven SLO County residents died from COVID-19. Since the start of the new year, about 20 county residents have died from the virus.
County Health said people over the age of six, who have received an updated vaccine do not need an additional dose unless they’re over 65 years old or immunocompromised.
“Currently only about 26% of the state's eligible population has received a bivalent shot. So to me, that's a surprisingly low number,” Rosen said.
People can schedule an appointment to receive their updated Omicron booster shot at their local pharmacy or doctors office. Or, you can visit to schedule an appointment at a Public Health Clinic in San Luis Obispo, Paso Robles or Grover Beach.
More updates on COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County are online at