Cal Poly's Open House weekend takes place April 12-14. The annual event showcases the Cal Poly campus to "new students, their families, and the community while offering a glimpse of life as a Mustang," according to the event's web page.
Events include the 'Campus Preview at Farmers' Market' Thursday, Friday's 'Admitted Students Discovery Day,' and on Saturday, the Poly Royal Celebration, including the famed Cal Poly Rodeo.
But some Greek organizations may not be in attendance at all events.

Sources have told KCBX News that the Panhellenic Council, the governing body of all ten sororities at Cal Poly, has asked sororities not to participate in Open House activities like the Farmer's Market in downtown San Luis Obispo, where sorority sisters typically go to hand out hair ties, as well as the Greek recruitment showcases on Saturday. Why the sororities were allegedly asked to eschew those activities has not been made entirely clear.
The Panhellenic Council has made clear, however, that it would like Cal Poly sororities to discontinue any affiliation with the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, members of which were photographed wearing blackface and in stereotypical urban gangster wear last weekend. The fraternity has been placed on interim suspension by the university, and suspended by the fraternity's International Headquarters. Lambda Chi Alpha's board of directors announced Wednesday Cal Poly chapter officers have resigned from their positions and two chapter members have discontinued their fraternity membership.
Cal Poly's Panhellenic Council said Wednesday:
"We recognize that as members of this Greek community we are not exempt from this situation and that we must play an active role in the acknowledgement and eradication of racist and culturally insensitive actions on our campus and in our community. As Panhellenic women we stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving to the best of our ability, our college community."

The council detailed its commitment to eradicating discrimination through fundraising, awareness campaigns, hosting forums on diversity and inclusion, and creating a zero tolerance policy.
There has been no public statement from the Panhellenic Council regarding official sorority operations during Open House, one of Cal Poly's biggest weekend events.
A protest is planned for Friday morning, hosted by a coalition of student organizations that includes Time's UP! Cal Poly, Cal Poly Democrats, Cal Poly Students for Quality Education and more. The event's Facebook page has over 200 people attending so far.