Students from two Lompoc Middle Schools will receive antiracism education this year. This comes after a local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, received a $30,000 grant.
Speakers and performers will come to Lompoc Valley and Vandenberg Middle Schools to teach the seventh and eighth graders about racism at least two times a year.
Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt is the President of the Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP branch.
“The presenters will talk to them about respect and why respect is important, kindness, the use of the n-word, why it is important not to use that,” Lyons-Pruitt said.
The programs are expected to be implemented by the upcoming school year.
According to a news release, the funding will also support an annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. celebration hosted by the branch.
The money came from The Fund for Santa Barbara.