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Lighthouse: Raising Awareness, Saving Lives

Broadcast date: 9/25/2014

The battle with illicit drug abuse among teens, as well as the non-medical use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines, continues across our country. Unwilling to standby as the children in their community were losing this war, one Central Coast community has come together to join in the fight.

The Lighthouse in Atascadero is dedicated to overcoming addiction through awareness, prevention and intervention. With the understanding that this war will need to be fought on multiple fronts, the organization has enlisted multiple agencies and the entire community to help. Members of the group realize the first step in saving their youth is recognizing and admitting there is a problem.

How is the Lighthouse in Atascadero different? What must be done to win this battle? How can the community join the fight?

Host Fred Munroe is joined by guests Chris Balogh, Alternative Education Principal for Atascadero Unified School District, Donn Clickard, Lighhouse Board Member and President of the Atascadero Unified School District Board, and Atascadero Police Department Commander Joe Allen to discuss this serious issue.

Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX.

Fred Munroe is a co-host of the KCBX talk show Central Coast Voices, heard every Thursday afternoon from 1:00-2:00. Fred has successfully divided his time as a local entrepreneur, political leader, and communicator. He owns and manages two local firms addressing personal travel planning and public transportation; Travel With Fred and Ridership Development Consultants.