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KCBX News Update: SLO County Point-in-Time Count rescheduled, more COVID deaths, and Colorado Fire reaches 45% containment

Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

SLO County Point-in-Time Count postponed until February due to COVID concerns

The SLO County Homeless Point-in-Time Count, where volunteers and county staff count the number of people experiencing homelessness in the county, has been postponed to February 23. It was initially scheduled to start on January 26.

County officials cited COVID-related safety concerns in postponing the count, and secured approval from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the extension.

The county said in a press release that the additional time will allow them to “recruit additional volunteers, count in a post-surge timeframe, and refine efforts to count special populations such as youth, encampments, and persons in vehicles.”

Volunteers can register here.

SLO County reports five more COVID-19 deaths, more than 2,000 confirmed cases 

Five more people have died from COVID-19 in SLO County, ranging in age from 75 to 100, according to County Public Health. That brings the total official death toll from COVID in the county to 389.

The department today also reported 2,134 official cases of the virus since Friday, and an all-time high of the 14-day daily average at 590.

More than 11,000 cases of the virus have been confirmed in the county so far this month, compared to 7,437 in all of January 2021.

But that number does not include unconfirmed cases of people testing positive at home via rapid tests.

There are also 54 residents being treated in the hospital for severe COVID-19, and ten of them are in the intensive care unit. Meanwhile, Public Health is responding to about 60 active outbreaks of the virus in congregate care, skilled nursing and corrections facilities.

The county’s coronavirus website is slopublichealth.org/COVID19.

Colorado Fire containment grows 

The Colorado Fire burning in Big Sur has reached 45% containment and 700 acres, according to CalFire. 

The fire is burning in Palo Colorado Canyon, south of Carmel-by-the-Sea in Monterey County.

Evacuation orders remain in place, even though the evacuation shelter at Carmel Middle School closed due to lack of use. Evacuees can call 2-1-1 for information and assistance.

Benjamin Purper was News Director of KCBX from May of 2021 to September of 2023. He came from California’s Inland Empire, where he spent three years as a reporter and Morning Edition host at KVCR in San Bernardino. Dozens of his stories have aired on KQED’s California Report, and his work has broadcast on NPR's news magazines, as well. In addition to radio, Ben has worked as a newspaper reporter and freelance writer.
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