Cal Poly SLO to hold two graduation ceremonies this weekend
The Cal Poly San Luis Obispo campus will be busy this weekend.
The university is holding two graduation ceremonies: one for the fall class of 2021, and another for graduates of the class of 2020, whose in-person ceremony was postponed last year due to the pandemic.
The class of 2021’s commencement ceremony is on Saturday, while the class of 2020’s is on Sunday. Both ceremonies start at 10 a.m. on their respective days.
Both events will include a pinning ceremony and something the university is calling a “celebratory surprise.” The ceremonies will be live-streamed online with closed captioning for those unable to attend.
Cal Poly officials say they expect roughly 9,000 attendees Saturday and about 7,000 on Sunday.
California Boulevard will be closed to through traffic, and parking permits are not necessary on campus during commencement.
40 Prado to provide warming center due to chance of rain this weekend
40 Prado Homeless Services Center in San Luis Obispo will provide a warming center amid a high chance of rain today and tomorrow.
According to the center, people can check in between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and the warming center is open until 6 a.m. the next day.
According to the Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO), which runs the facility, everyone who uses the warming center will be provided a rapid COVID-19 test before entry.
COVID-19 precautions like mask requirements and social distancing will also be in place within the facility.
Service animals are allowed inside, and kennels are provided for pets who are not registered as service animals.
40 Prado opens its warming center when the temperature reaches 38 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, or if the National Weather Service forecasts a 50 percent or greater chance of rain.
The facility is accepting donations for things like trash bags, tents, food, warm clothing and more. They are also seeking volunteers.
More information is at