Broadcast date: 9/28/2017
Valley fever is on the rise in the southwestern United States. Also called coccidioidomycosis, it is a potentially fatal lung infection caused by a fungus found in the soil. The CDC finds about 10,000 U.S. cases have been reported each year, mostly from Arizona and California. Many members of the public and even the medical community are not familiar with this serious illness, and the lack of knowledge can delay diagnosis and treatment. Further complicating matters, the disease can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are often similar to those of other illnesses. That’s why knowing about Valley Fever is one of the most important ways to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment.
Join Fred Munroe as he speaks with Epidemiologist with the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department, Ann McDowell, and Valley Fever survivor, Jen Ford, as they discuss the rise in incidence rates for Valley Fever and the causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Central Coast Voices is sponsored by ACTION for Healthy Communities in collaboration with KCBX and made possible through underwriting by Joan Gellert-Sargen.