Santa Barbara voters have chosen Cathy Murillo as the city’s next mayor, according to the semi-official results published by the county's election office on election night.
UPDATE 11/08/17 10 a.m.: the semi-official results have Murillo winning 28.1 percent of the vote; Hotchkiss with 21.6 percent.
Murillo won with 27 percent of the vote. The runner up is Republican Frank Hotchkiss, who received 24 percent of the vote. The other three candidates split the remaining vote.
Santa Barbara residents in the city’s District 4, 5 and 6 also voted for city council members.
Kristen Sneddon is the new city council member from District 4. District 5 voters elected Eric Friedman and the new city council member for Santa Barbara’s District 6 is Gregg Hart.
Not all the vote-by-mail ballots have been counted yet, so official results are still pending.